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1 adjuvant

An additive that enhances the effectiveness of medical treatment.

Roget 711: auxiliary; recruit; assistant; adjuvant, adjutant; ayudante, coaid; adjunct; help, helper, help mate, helping hand; midwife; colleague, ... show more

Dutch: adjuvans
Polish: adiuwant, adjuwant


1 adjuvant

Furnishing added support:
— An adjuvant discipline to forms of mysticism.

synonyms: accessory, adjunct, ancillary, appurtenant, auxiliary.

Roget 707: aiding etc. v.; auxiliary, adjuvant, helpful; coadjuvant etc. 709; subservient, ministrant, ancillary, accessory, subsidiary.    ... show more

Polish: pomocniczy, służebny, posiłkowy

2 adjuvant

Enhancing the action of a medical treatment.

Moby thesaurus: accession, accessory, accompaniment, addenda, addendum, additament, addition, additive, additory, additum, adjunct, alterative, analeptic, ancillary, annex, annexation, appanage, appendage, appendant, appurtenance ... show more.

Find more on adjuvant elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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