English synonyms about - contact  


Find more on enrol elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.



1 enroll

Register formally as a participant or member.

synonyms: enrol, enter, inscribe, recruit.

Roget 551: record; put on record, place on record; chronicle, calendar, hand down to posterity; keep up the memory etc. (remember) 505; commemorate etc. (celebrate) ... show more

Roget 722: arm; raise troops, mobilize troops; raise up in arms; take up the cudgels etc. 720; take up arms, fly to arms, appeal to arms, fly to the sword; draw the sword, unsheathe the sword; dig up the hatchet, ... show more

Roget 755: commission, delegate, depute; consign, assign; charge; intrust, entrust; commit, commit to the hands of; authorize etc. (permit) 760.    ... show more

Dutch: aanmelden, aanwerven, inschrijven, lichten, opgeven, rekruteren

Moby thesaurus: affiliate, affiliate with, associate, book, calendar, call up, carve, catalog, chalk, chalk up, check in, chronicle, combine, come into, commandeer, conscript, creep in, cut, detach, detach for service ... show more.

Find more on enroll elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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