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1 genetic

Occurring among members of a family usually by heredity:
— Genetically transmitted features.

synonyms: familial, hereditary, inherited, transmissible, transmitted.

Roget 161: produced, producing etc. v.; productive of; prolific etc. 168; creative; formative, genetic, genial, genital; pregnant; ... show more

Polish: genetyczny

2 genetic

Of or relating to or produced by or being a gene:
— Genetic code.

synonyms: genetical, genic.

Polish: genowy

3 genetic

Pertaining to or referring to origin.

Polish: genetyczny

4 genetic

Of or relating to the science of genetics:
— Genetic research.

synonym: genetical.

Polish: genetyczny

Moby thesaurus: abiogenetic, aboriginal, advancing, atavistic, basal, basic, biogenetic, blastogenetic, bodily, born, bradytelic, central, clannish, coeval, congenital, connatal, connate, connatural, constitutional, crucial ... show more.

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