English synonyms about - contact  

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1 conform

Be similar, be in line with.

Roget 646: be expedient etc. adj.; suit etc. (agree) 23; befit; suit the time, befit the time, suit the season, befit the season, suit the occasion, befit the occasion.    ... show more

Dutch: conform

2 conform

Adapt or conform oneself to new or different conditions.

synonyms: adapt, adjust.

Dutch: aanpassen, accommoderen, assimileren, conformeren, plooien, richten, schikken, voegen

Moby thesaurus: abide by, accommodate, accommodate with, accord, act up to, adapt, adapt to, adhere to, adjust, adjust to, agree, agree in opinion, agree with, answer to, assent, assimilate to, assort with, attend to, attend to orders, attune ... show more.

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