English synonyms about - contact  

wait on


1 wait on

Work for or be a servant to:
— Can you wait on our table, please?.

synonyms: assist, attend, attend to, serve.

Roget 707: aid, assist, help, succor, lend one's aid; come to the aid etc. n.. of; contribute, subscribe to; bring aid, give aid, furnish aid, ... show more

Roget 88: accompany, coexist, attend; hang on, wait on; go hand in hand with; synchronize etc. 120; bear company, keep company; row in the same boat; bring in its train; associate with, ... show more

Dutch: opdienen, serveren

Moby thesaurus: abide, accompany, administer to, associate, associate with, assort with, attend, attend on, await, band together, bide, care for, cater to, chaperon, chore, combine, companion, conduct, confederate, consociate ... show more.

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