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1 paring

A thin fragment or slice (especially of wood) that has been shaved from something.

synonyms: shaving, sliver.

Roget 32: smallness etc. adj.; littleness etc. (small size) 193; tenuity; paucity; fewness etc. (small number) 103; meanness, ... show more

Polish: heblowina, ostrużyna, strużyna

2 paring

usually plural A part of a fruit or vegetable that is pared or cut off; especially the skin or peel.

Moby thesaurus: afterglow, afterimage, balance, bit, bones, butt, butt end, candle ends, chaff, chip, chunk, clip, clipping, collop, crumb, culm, cut, cutting, dandruff, deadwood ... show more.

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