English synonyms about - contact  

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1 infix

An affix that is inserted inside the word.

Dutch: tussenvoegsel
Polish: infiks, wrostek


1 infix

Put or introduce into something.

synonyms: enter, insert, introduce.

Roget 537: teach, instruct, educate, edify, school, tutor; cram, prime, coach; enlighten etc. (inform) 527.    inculcate, ... show more

Dutch: invoegen

2 infix

Attach a morpheme into a stem word.

Moby thesaurus: IC analysis, accidence, add, adjoin, affix, affixation, agglutinate, allomorph, allonge, annex, append, appendix, aside, attach, beat into, bed, bound morpheme, brainwash, burden, catechize ... show more.

Find more on infix elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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