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1 genre

A kind of literary or artistic work.

Roget 556: painting; depicting; drawing etc. v.; design; perspective, sciagraphy, skiagraphy; chiaroscuro etc. (light) 420; composition; ... show more

Dutch: genre
Polish: kierunek w literaturze

2 genre

A style of expressing yourself in writing.

synonyms: literary genre, writing style.

Polish: rodzaj literacki

3 genre

An expressive style of music.

synonyms: music genre, musical genre, musical style.

4 genre

A class of art (or artistic endeavor) having a characteristic form or technique.

Moby thesaurus: Platonic form, Platonic idea, aesthetic form, archetype, art form, blood, brand, breed, build, cast, category, character, clan, class, color, configuration, conformation, cut, denomination, description ... show more.

Find more on genre elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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