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depend upon


1 depend upon

Be contingent on.

synonyms: depend on, devolve on, hinge on, hinge upon, ride, turn on.

Roget 467: be evidence etc. n.; evince, show, betoken, tell of; indicate etc. (denote) 550; imply, involve, ... show more

Roget 749: be subject etc. adj.; be at the mercy of, lie at the mercy of; depend upon, lean upon, hang upon; fall a prey to, fall under; play second fiddle.    be a mere machine, be a puppet, ... show more

Roget 154: be the effect of etc. n.; be due to, be owing to; originate in, originate from; rise from, arise, take its rise spring from, proceed from, emanate from, come from, ... show more

2 depend upon

Put trust in with confidence.

synonyms: depend on, rely on, rely upon.

Roget 484: believe, credit; give faith to, give credit to, credence to; see, realize; assume, receive; set down for, take for; have it, take it; ... show more


Roget 484: in the opinion of, in the eyes of; me judice [Lat.]; meseems, methinks; to the best of one's belief; I dare say, I doubt not, I have no doubt, I am sure; sure enough etc. (certainty) 474; ... show more

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