1 stammer
A speech disorder involving hesitations and involuntary repetitions of certain sounds.
synonym: stutter.
Polish: jÄ…kanie
1 stammer
Speak haltingly.
synonyms: bumble, falter, stutter.
Roget 583: stammer, stutter, hesitate, falter, hammer; balbutiate†, balbucinate†, haw, hum and haw, be unable to put two words together. mumble, mutter; maud†, mauder†; ... show more
Dutch: stotteren, stamelen
Moby thesaurus: balbuties, be guilty, blush, change color, color, color up, crimson, dysphemia, falter, faltering, flush, gibber, halt, hammer, haw, hem, hem and haw, hesitate, hesitation, hum ... show more.
Roget 583: stammering etc. v.; inarticulate, guttural, nasal; tremulous; affected.
Roget 583: inarticulateness; stammering etc. v.; hesitation etc. v.; impediment in one's speech; titubancy†, traulism†; whisper etc. (faint sound) ... show more
Moby thesaurus: balbutient, balbuties, bashful, bashfulness, battology, confused, confusion, conscious, coy, coyness, demure, demureness, demurity, dysphemia, embarrassment, expletive, faltering, filling, halting, hesitating ... show more.
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