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1 sensation

An unelaborated elementary awareness of stimulation:
— A sensation of touch.

synonyms: aesthesis, esthesis, sense datum, sense experience, sense impression.

Roget 375: sensibility; sensitiveness etc. adj.; physical sensibility, feeling, impressibility, perceptivity, aesthetics; moral sensibility etc. 822.    sensation, impression; ... show more

Roget 821: feeling; suffering etc. v.; endurance, tolerance, sufferance, supportance, experience, response; sympathy etc. (love) 897; ... show more

Roget 870: wonder, marvel; astonishment, amazement, wonderment, bewilderment; amazedness etc. adj.; admiration, awe; stupor, stupefaction; stound, ... show more

Dutch: gevoel, sensatie
Polish: odczuwanie, czucie

2 sensation

Someone who is dazzlingly skilled in any field.

synonyms: ace, adept, champion, genius, hotshot, maven, mavin, star, superstar, virtuoso ... show more.

Dutch: superster, specialist, deskundige, aas, bollebof, bolleboos, coryfee, crack, duivelskunstenaar, expert ... show more
Polish: wymiatacz

3 sensation

A general feeling of excitement and heightened interest.

4 sensation

A state of widespread public excitement and interest.

Polish: sensacja

5 sensation

The faculty through which the external world is apprehended.

synonyms: sense, sensory faculty, sentience, sentiency.

Dutch: zin, zintuig

Moby thesaurus: affect, affection, amazement, astonishing thing, astonishment, awareness, bang, bean, best seller, big hit, bomb, bombshell, boot, brain, brilliant success, charge, commotion, consciousness, curiosity, emotion ... show more.

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