English synonyms about - contact  

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1 saunter

A careless leisurely gait.

2 saunter

A leisurely walk (usually in some public place).

synonyms: amble, perambulation, promenade, stroll.

Roget 266: travel; traveling etc. v.. wayfaring, campaigning.    journey, excursion, expedition, tour, trip, grand tour, circuit, peregrination, ... show more

Dutch: wandeling, loopje, ommetje, voetreis, voettocht
Polish: spacer, przechadzka


1 saunter

Walk leisurely and with no apparent aim.

synonym: stroll.

Roget 266: travel, journey, course; take a journey, go a journey; take a walk, go out for walk etc. n.; have a run; take the air.    flit, take wing; migrate, ... show more

Roget 275: move slowly etc. adv.; creep, crawl, lag, slug, drawl, linger, loiter, saunter; plod, trudge, stump along, ... show more

Dutch: slenteren, wandelen, drentelen

Moby thesaurus: airing, amble, andante, barge, bat around, bowl along, bum, bundle, claudicate, claudication, clump, constitutional, count ties, crawl, creep, dead march, divagate, dogtrot, drag, drag along ... show more.

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