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1 painful

Causing physical or psychological pain.

2 painful

Causing misery or pain or distress:
— The painful process of growing up.

synonyms: afflictive, sore.

Roget 378: in pain etc. n., in a state of pain; pained etc. v.; gouty, podagric, torminous.    painful; aching etc. v.; ... show more

Roget 830: causing pain, hurting etc. v.; hurtful etc. (bad) 649; painful; dolorific, dolorous; unpleasant; unpleasing, ... show more

3 painful

Exceptionally bad or displeasing:
— A painful performance.

synonyms: abominable, atrocious, awful, dreadful, terrible, unspeakable.

4 painful

Causing physical discomfort:
— Bites of black flies are more than irritating; they can be very painful.

synonym: irritating.

Polish: nieznośny

Moby thesaurus: Herculean, aching, achy, acute, affecting, afflictive, aggravating, agonizing, algetic, annoying, arduous, assiduous, atrocious, backbreaking, besetting, biting, bitter, bleak, bothersome, burdensome ... show more.

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