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1 thankless

Not feeling or showing gratitude:
— How sharper than a serpent's tooth it is / To have a thankless child!.

synonyms: ungrateful, unthankful.

Roget 830: causing pain, hurting etc. v.; hurtful etc. (bad) 649; painful; dolorific, dolorous; unpleasant; unpleasing, ... show more

Roget 917: ungrateful, unmindful, unthankful; thankless, ingrate, wanting in gratitude, insensible of benefits.    forgotten; unacknowledged, unthanked, unrequited, unrewarded; ill-requited.   

2 thankless

Not likely to be rewarded:
— Grading papers is a thankless task.

synonyms: unappreciated, ungratifying.

Moby thesaurus: bitter, bootless, careless, despised, disagreeable, dislikable, disliked, displeasing, distasteful, fruitless, futile, heedless, lowly, miserable, misprized, misunderstood, out of favor, profitless, self-centered, sour ... show more.

Find more on thankless elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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