English synonyms about - contact  

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1 interlink

Be interwoven or interconnected.

synonyms: complect, interconnect.

Roget 219: cross, decussate; intersect, interlace, intertwine, intertwist, interweave, interdigitate, interlink.    twine, entwine, weave, inweave, twist, ... show more

Roget 43: join, unite; conjoin, connect; associate; put together, lay together, clap together, hang together, lump together, hold together, piece together [Fr.], tack together, fix together, ... show more

2 interlink

Cause to be interconnected or interwoven.

synonym: interconnect.

Moby thesaurus: busybody, butt in, fool, horn in, interaffiliate, interally, interassociate, interconnect, intercouple, interdepend, interdigitate, interfere, interjoin, interlock, intermeddle, interrelate, intertie, intrude, make, monkey with ... show more.

Find more on interlink elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.


Moby thesaurus: affiliate, affiliated, allied, associate, associated, bound, bracketed, collateral, conjugate, connected, correlated, coupled, implicated, interaffiliated, interallied, interconnected, intercoupled, interdependent, interlocked, interrelated ... show more.

Find more on interlinked elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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