English synonyms about - contact  



1 blushing

Having a red face from embarrassment or shame or agitation or emotional upset:
— The blushing boy was brought before the Principal.

synonyms: blushful, red-faced.

Roget 881: modest, diffident; humble etc. 879; timid, timorous, bashful; shy, nervous, skittish, coy, sheepish, shamefaced, ... show more

Roget 434: red etc. n., reddish; rufous, ruddy, florid, incarnadine, sanguine; rosy, roseate; blowzy, blowed; burnt; ... show more


Roget 881: modesty; humility etc. 879; diffidence, timidity; retiring disposition; unobtrusiveness; bashfulness etc. adj.; mauvaise honte [Fr.]; blush, blushing; ... show more

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