English synonyms about - contact  



1 starry

Abounding with or resembling stars.

Roget 318: cosmic, cosmical; mundane, terrestrial, terrestrious, terraqueous, terrene, terreous, telluric, earthly, geotic, under the sun; sublunary, subastral.    ... show more

Polish: gwiaździsty, gwieździsty, gwiezdny

Moby thesaurus: Cynthian, aglow, anagalactic, asteroidal, astral, astrologic, astrologistic, astrologous, astronomic, astrophysical, beaming, beamy, blushing, bright and sunny, burning, candescent, celestial, circumplanetary, cislunar, empyreal ... show more.

Find more on starry elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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