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1 bone

Rigid connective tissue that makes up the skeleton of vertebrates.

synonym: os.

Roget 321: density, solidity; solidness etc. adj.; impenetrability, impermeability; incompressibility; imporosity; cohesion etc. 46; constipation, consistence, ... show more

Roget 159: strength; power etc. 157; energy etc. 171; vigor, force; main force, physical force, brute force; spring, elasticity, ... show more

Roget 323: hardness etc. adj.; rigidity; renitence, renitency; inflexibility, temper, callosity, durity.    induration, petrifaction; lapidification, ... show more

Dutch: graat, beenweefsel, been, bot, botje, knok, knook
Polish: kość

2 bone

The porous calcified substance from which bones are made.

synonym: osseous tissue.

Dutch: been, beenweefsel
Polish: tkanka kostna

3 bone

A shade of white the color of bleached bones.

synonyms: ivory, off-white, pearl.

Dutch: gebroken wit
Polish: perłowość


1 bone

Study intensively, as before an exam:
— I had to bone up on my Latin verbs before the final exam.

synonyms: bone up, cram, drum, get up, grind away, mug up, swot, swot up.

Dutch: blokken, hengsten, pezen, pompen, vossen

2 bone

Remove the bones from:
— Bone the turkey before roasting it.

synonym: debone.

Dutch: uitbenen


1 bone

Consisting of or made up of bone.

Moby thesaurus: adamant, aitchbone, anklebone, anvil, backbone, bill, biscuit, bony, breastbone, brick, buck, calcaneus, cannon bone, carpal, cartilage, cement, chine, clavicle, coccyx, collarbone ... show more.

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