English synonyms about - contact  

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1 behave

Behave in a certain manner; show a certain behavior; conduct or comport oneself:
— Don't behave like a fool.

synonyms: act, do.

Dutch: bezoeken, zich gedragen, doen, gedragen, spelen

2 behave

Behave in a certain manner.

synonyms: acquit, bear, carry, comport, conduct, deport.

3 behave

Behave well or properly:
— The children must learn to behave.

synonym: comport.

Moby thesaurus: acquit, act, act toward, act well, be good, be nice, bear, behave toward, carry, comport, conduct, control, cope with, deal by, deal with, demean, deport, direct, disport, do ... show more.

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