English synonyms about - contact  

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1 zip

A quantity of no importance.

synonyms: aught, cipher, cypher, goose egg, nada, naught, nil, nix, nothing, null ... show more.

Roget 101: zero, nothing; null, nul, naught, nought, void; cipher, goose egg; none, nobody, no one; nichts [G.], nixie [Slang], ... show more

Roget 409: sibilance, sibilation; zip; hiss etc. v.; sternutation; high note etc. 410.    [animals that hiss] goose, serpent, ... show more

Dutch: iets, nul, niks, niets
Polish: zero, nic


A code of letters and digits added to a postal address to aid in the sorting of mail.

synonyms: postal code, postcode, ZIP code.

Dutch: postcode
Polish: kod pocztowy, kod

3 zip

Forceful exertion:
— He's full of zip.

synonyms: energy, vigor, vigour.

Dutch: arbeidsvermogen, daadkracht, energie, fut, geestkracht, kloekheid, pep, pit, puf, slagkracht
Polish: demon

4 zip

A fastener for locking together two toothed edges by means of a sliding tab.

synonyms: slide fastener, zip fastener, zipper.

Dutch: rits, ritssluiting
Polish: zamek błyskawiczny, zamek, suwak, ekler


1 zip

Close with a zipper:
— Zip up your jacket--it's cold.

synonyms: zip up, zipper.

2 zip

Move very fast:
— The runner zipped past us at breakneck speed.

synonyms: hurry, speed, travel rapidly.

Dutch: zich haasten, opschieten, haasten

Moby thesaurus: aggressiveness, animal spirits, animation, assibilate, assibilation, ball the jack, bang, barrel, bite, boom, bowl along, breeze, breeze along, briskness, brush, bustle, buzz, capersomeness, clip, coltishness ... show more.

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