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1 voyage

An act of traveling by water.

synonym: ocean trip.

Roget 264: motion, movement, move; going etc. v.; unrest.    stream, flow, flux, run, course, stir; ... show more

Roget 267: navigation; aquatics; boating, yachting; ship etc. 273; oar, paddle, screw, sail, canvas, aileron.    natation, ... show more

Roget 302: passage, transmission; permeation; penetration, interpenetration; transudation, infiltration; endosmose exosmose; endosmosis [Chem]; intercurrence; ingress etc. 294; egress ... show more

Polish: rejs

2 voyage

A journey to some distant place.

Dutch: reis


1 voyage

Travel on water propelled by wind or by other means.

synonyms: navigate, sail.

Dutch: navigeren, varen

Moby thesaurus: boat, campaign, canoe, carry sail, circuit, circumnavigate, coast, course, cover, cross, crossing, cruise, do, excursion, expedition, fare, globe-trot, go abroad, go by ship, go on safari ... show more.

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