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1 saloon

A room or establishment where alcoholic drinks are served over a counter.

synonyms: bar, barroom, ginmill, taproom.

Roget 191: receptacle; inclosure etc. 232; recipient, receiver, reservatory.    compartment; cell, cellule; follicle; hole, corner, niche, ... show more

Dutch: baar, bar, blok, café, reep, stang, stuk, tapkast

2 saloon

Tavern consisting of a building with a bar and public rooms; often provides light meals.

synonyms: gin mill, pothouse, pub, public house, taphouse.

Dutch: bar, bierhuis, cafeetje, café, drankhol, dranklokaal, kroeg, pub, schenklokaal, staminee ... show more
Polish: knajpa, pub

3 saloon

A car that is closed and that has front and rear seats and two or four doors.

synonym: sedan.

Polish: sedan

Moby thesaurus: Pullman car, alehouse, bar, barrel house, barroom, beer garden, beer parlor, best room, bistro, blind tiger, bucket shop, cabaret, cabin, cafe, cocktail lounge, cuddy, deckhouse, dive, dramshop, drawing room ... show more.

Find more on saloon elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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