English synonyms about - contact  

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1 outpost

A station in a remote or sparsely populated location.

synonym: outstation.

Roget 196: distance; space etc. 180; remoteness, farness, far-cry to; longinquity, elongation; offing, background; remote region; removedness; parallax; ... show more

Roget 227: circumjacence, circumambience; environment, encompassment; atmosphere, medium, surroundings.    outpost; border etc. (edge) 231; girdle etc. ... show more

Roget 234: front; fore, forepart; foreground; face, disk, disc, frontage; facade, proscenium, facia [Lat.], frontispiece; anteriority; obverse ... show more

Dutch: buitenpost
Polish: forpoczta

2 outpost

A settlement on the frontier of civilization.

synonym: frontier settlement.

3 outpost

A military post stationed at a distance from the main body of troops.

Dutch: buitenpost, voorpost

Moby thesaurus: Berlin wall, China, Darkest Africa, God knows where, Greenland, North Pole, Outer Mongolia, Pago Pago, Pillars of Hercules, Siberia, South Pole, Thule, Tierra del Fuego, Timbuktu, Ultima Thule, Yukon, advance guard, airhead, alentours, ambience ... show more.

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