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odds and ends


1 odds and ends

A motley assortment of things.

synonyms: farrago, gallimaufry, hodgepodge, hotchpotch, melange, mingle-mangle, mishmash, oddments, omnium-gatherum, ragbag.

Roget 40: remainder, residue; remains, remanent, remnant, rest, relic; leavings, heeltap, odds and ends, cheesepairings, candle ends, orts; residuum; ... show more

Roget 645: inutility; uselessness etc. adj.; inefficacy, futility; ineptitude, inaptitude; unsubservience; inadequacy etc. (insufficiency) 640; inefficiency, ... show more

Roget 41: mixture, admixture, commixture, commixtion; commixion, intermixture, alloyage, matrimony; junction etc. 43; combination etc. 48; ... show more

Roget 51: part, portion; dose; item, particular; aught, any; division, ward; subdivision, section; chapter, clause, count, ... show more

Dutch: allegaartje, mengelmoes, brokstukken, mikmak
Polish: melanż

Moby thesaurus: afterglow, afterimage, all sorts, assemblage, assortment, balance, broad spectrum, butt, butt end, candle ends, chaff, collectanea, conglomerate, conglomeration, cosmetics, debris, detritus, end, fag end, filings ... show more.

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