English synonyms about - contact  

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1 withal

Despite anything to the contrary (usually preceding a concession).

synonyms: all the same, at the same time, even so, however, nevertheless, nonetheless, notwithstanding, still, yet.

Roget 37: au reste [Fr.], in addition, more, plus, extra; and, also, likewise, too, furthermore, further, item; and also, ... show more

Roget 88: with, withal; together with, along with, in company with; hand in hand, side by side; cheek by jowl, cheek by jole; arm in arm; therewith, herewith; and etc. ... show more

2 withal

Together with this.


Roget 639: sufficiency, adequacy, enough, withal, satisfaction, competence; no less; quantum sufficit [Lat.], Q.   S. mediocrity etc. (average) 29.    fill; ... show more

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