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1 undecided

Not brought to a conclusion; subject to further thought:
— Our position on this bill is still undecided.

synonyms: open, undetermined, unresolved.

Roget 475: uncertain; casual; random etc. (aimless) 621; changeable etc. 149.    doubtful, dubious; indecisive; unsettled, undecided, ... show more

Roget 605: irresolute, infirm of purpose, double-minded, half-hearted; undecided, unresolved, undetermined; shilly-shally; fidgety, tremulous; hesitating etc. v.; off one's balance; ... show more

Roget 461: inquiry etc. v.; inquisitive etc. (curious) 455; requisitive, requisitory; catechetical, inquisitorial, analytic; in search of, in quest of; ... show more

Roget 609a: neutral, neuter; indifferent, uninterested; undecided etc. (irresolute) 605.   

2 undecided

Characterized by indecision:
— Too many voters still declare they are undecided.

synonym: on the fence.

3 undecided

Not yet having made a commitment.

Moby thesaurus: ambitendent, ambivalent, at issue, at loose ends, borderline, capricious, changeable, conditional, conditioned, contingent, dependent, depending, double-minded, dubious, equivocal, fence-sitting, fence-straddling, fickle, in question, in suspense ... show more.

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