English synonyms about - contact  



1 stickle

Dispute or argue stubbornly (especially minor points).

Roget 603: be unwilling etc. adj.; nill; dislike etc. 867; grudge, begrudge; not be able to find it in one's heart to, not have the stomach to.    demur, stick at, scruple, ... show more

Roget 606: be obstinate etc. adj.; stickle, take no denial, fly in the face of facts; opinionate, be wedded to an opinion, hug a belief; have one's own way etc. (will) 600; persist ... show more

Roget 794: barter, exchange, swap, swop, truck, scorse; interchange etc. 148; commutate etc. (substitute) 147; compound for.    ... show more

Dutch: voorstaan

Moby thesaurus: abrupt, arduous, back down, balance, balk, blench, boggle, contend, contend for, debate, deliberate, demur, die hard, falter, fear, fight for, fight shy of, flinch, gag, hang back ... show more.

Find more on stickle elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.


Moby thesaurus: bashful, bashfulness, boggle, boggling, cautious, compunction, demur, demurral, demurring, diffidence, diffident, falter, faltering, hesitance, hesitancy, hesitant, hesitating, hesitation, jibbing, modest ... show more.

Find more on stickling elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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