English synonyms about - contact  

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1 amenable

Disposed or willing to conform:
— Someone amenable to the instruction of others.

synonym: conformable.

Roget 926: obligatory, binding; imperative, peremptory; stringent etc. (severe) 739; behooving etc. v.; incumbent on, chargeable on; under obligation; ... show more

2 amenable

Responsive to suggestions and influences:
— An amenable child.

synonym: tractable.

3 amenable

Open to being acted upon in a certain way.

4 amenable

Liable to answer to a higher authority.

Moby thesaurus: accessible, accommodating, accountable, acquiescent, adaptable, adapting, adaptive, adjusting, advance, agreeable, alacritous, ameliorate, amend, answerable, ardent, better, biddable, chargeable, compliant, consenting ... show more.

Find more on amenable elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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