English synonyms about - contact  

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1 outright

Without reservation or exception.

synonyms: straight-out, unlimited.


1 outright

Without restrictions or stipulations or further payments.

Roget 52: completely etc. adj.; altogether, outright, wholly, totally, in toto, quite; all out; over head and ears; effectually, for good and all, nicely, ... show more

2 outright

Without reservation or concealment.

3 outright

Without any delay:
— He was killed outright.

synonyms: in a flash, instantaneously, instantly.

Moby thesaurus: absolute, absolutely, admitting no exception, all, all-embracing, all-encompassing, all-out, all-pervading, altogether, arrant, at once, bald, baldly, born, broad-based, candidly, categorical, categorically, classical, clean ... show more.

Find more on outright elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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