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1 incontestable

Incapable of being contested or disputed.

synonym: incontestible.

Roget 159: strong, mighty, vigorous, forcible, hard, adamantine, stout, robust, sturdy, hardy, powerful, potent, puissant, valid.    ... show more

2 incontestable

Not open to question; obviously true.

synonyms: indisputable, undisputable.

Roget 474: certain, sure, assured etc. v.; solid, well-founded.    unqualified, absolute, positive, determinate, definite, clear, ... show more

Moby thesaurus: absolute, actual, admitting no question, certain, confirmable, demonstrable, demonstratable, factual, historical, impenetrable, impregnable, inappealable, incontrovertible, indisputable, indomitable, indubitable, inexpugnable, insuperable, invincible, inviolable ... show more.

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