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1 high-minded

Of high moral or intellectual value; elevated in nature or style.

synonyms: elevated, exalted, grand, high-flown, idealistic, lofty, noble-minded, rarefied, rarified, sublime.

Roget 878: dignified; stately; proud, proud-crested; lordly, baronial; lofty-minded; highsouled, high-minded, high-mettled, high-handed, high-plumed, high-flown, high-toned.    ... show more

Roget 939: upright; honest, honest as daylight; veracious etc. 543; virtuous etc. 944; honorable; fair, right, just, equitable, ... show more

Roget 942: disinterested; unselfish; self-denying, self-sacrificing, self-devoted; generous.    handsome, liberal, noble, broad-minded; noble-minded, high-minded; princely, great, ... show more

Polish: wzniosły

Moby thesaurus: Christian, big, bighearted, blameless, chivalrous, clean, creditable, decent, elevated, erect, estimable, ethical, exalted, fair, full of integrity, generous, good, great, great of heart, greathearted ... show more.

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