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1 grovelling

Totally submissive.

synonyms: cringing, groveling, wormlike, wormy.

Moby thesaurus: abject, apple-polishing, ass-kissing, base, brown-nosing, cowering, crawling, cringing, fawning, kowtowing, low, mean, obsequious, scraping, servile, slavish, sordid, submissive, subservient, sycophantish ... show more.

Find more on grovelling elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.



1 grovel

Show submission or fear.

synonyms: cower, crawl, creep, cringe, fawn.

Roget 207: be low etc. adj.; lie low, lie flat; underlie; crouch, slouch, wallow, grovel; lower etc. (depress) 308.    ... show more

Roget 275: move slowly etc. adv.; creep, crawl, lag, slug, drawl, linger, loiter, saunter; plod, trudge, stump along, ... show more

Roget 886: cringe, bow, stoop, kneel, bend the knee; fall on one's knees, prostrate oneself; worship etc. 990.    sneak, crawl, crouch, cower, ... show more

Roget 940: be dishonest etc. adj.; play false; break one's word, break one's faith, break one's promise; jilt, betray, forswear; shuffle etc. (lie) 544; ... show more

Dutch: kruipen

Moby thesaurus: apple-polish, be promiscuous, bend, bend the knee, bend the neck, bend to, bootlick, bow, bow and scrape, bow down, bow to, chase women, commit adultery, couch, cower, crawl, creep, cringe, cringe to, crouch ... show more.

Find more on grovel elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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