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1 flail

An implement consisting of handle with a free swinging stick at the end; used in manual threshing.

Roget 276: impulse, impulsion, impetus; momentum; push, pulsion, thrust, shove, jog, jolt, brunt, booming, boost [U.S.], throw; ... show more

Dutch: strijdvlegel, dorsvlegel, vlegel
Polish: cep, cepy


1 flail

Give a thrashing to; beat hard.

synonyms: lam, thrash, thresh.

2 flail

Move like a flail; thresh about:
— Her arms were flailing.

synonym: thresh.

Moby thesaurus: bang, baste, bastinado, batter, beat, belabor, belt, birch, buffet, cane, club, cowhide, cudgel, cut, cut and thrust, drub, feint, flagellate, flail at, flail away at ... show more.

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