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1 dusky

Lighted by or as if by twilight:
— The dusky night rides down the sky/And ushers in the morn.

synonyms: twilight, twilit.

Roget 421: dark, darksome, darkling; obscure, tenebrious, sombrous, pitch dark, pitchy, pitch black; caliginous; black etc. (in color) 431.    ... show more

2 dusky

Naturally having skin of a dark color:
— Gold earrings gleamed against her dusky cheeks.

synonyms: dark-skinned, swart, swarthy.


Roget 431: be black etc. adj.; render black etc. adj.. blacken, infuscate, denigrate; blot, blotch; smutch; smirch; darken ... show more

Moby thesaurus: acheronian, ambiguous, amphibological, black, blackish, bleak, brunet, caliginous, cheerless, crepuscular, dark, dark-colored, dark-complexioned, dark-skinned, darkish, darksome, desolate, dim, dimmish, dimpsy ... show more.

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