1 marsh
Low-lying wet land with grassy vegetation; usually is a transition zone between land and water:
— Thousands of acres of marshland.
synonyms: fen, fenland, marshland.
Roget 352: semiliquidity; stickiness etc. adj.; viscidity, viscosity; gummosity†, glutinosity†, mucosity†; spissitude†, crassitude†; lentor†; adhesiveness ... show more
Roget 345: marsh, swamp, morass, marish†, moss, fen, bog, quagmire, slough, sump, wash; mud, squash, ... show more
Roget 339: moisture; moistness etc. adj.; humidity, humectation†; madefaction†, dew; serein†; marsh etc. 345; hygrometry, hygrometer. ... show more
Dutch: laagveen, laagveengebied, moeras, moerasgrond, moerasland, ven
Polish: bajor
2 Marsh
United States painter (1898-1954).
synonym: Reginald Marsh.
3 Marsh
New Zealand writer of detective stories (1899-1982).
synonym: Ngaio Marsh.
Roget 345: marsh, marshy; swampy, boggy, plashy†, poachy†, quaggy†, soft; muddy, sloppy, squashy; paludal†; moorish, moory; ... show more
Moby thesaurus: bog, cesspool, cloaca, cloaca maxima, drain, dump, fen, garbage dump, marshland, mire, morass, quag, quagmire, septic tank, sewer, sink, slough, sump, swamp, swampland.
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