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1 Chancellor

The British cabinet minister responsible for finance.

synonym: Chancellor of the Exchequer.

2 chancellor

The person who is head of government (in several countries).

synonyms: premier, prime minister.

Roget 745: master, padrone; lord, lord paramount; commander, commandant; captain; chief, chieftain; sirdar, sachem, sheik, head, senior, ... show more

Roget 759: deputy, substitute, vice, proxy, locum tenens, badli, delegate, representative, next friend, surrogate, secondary.    regent, viceregent, vizier, ... show more

Roget 967: judge; justice, justiciar, justiciary; chancellor; justice of assize, judge of assize; recorder, common sergeant; puisne judge, assistant judge, county court judge; conservator of the peace, justice of the peace; ... show more

Dutch: MP, kanselier, minister-president, premier, regeringsleider
Polish: szef rządu, premier, szef gabinetu

3 chancellor

The honorary or titular head of a university.

Dutch: kanselier
Polish: kanclerz

Moby thesaurus: JA, academic dean, administration, administrator, alderman, ambassador, ambassadress, amicus curiae, apostolic delegate, archon, assessor, attache, bailie, barmaster, burghermaster, burgomaster, cabinet member, cabinet minister, career diplomat, charge ... show more.

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