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1 technicality

The state of being technical as in the use of technical terms or methods.

Roget 563: neology, neologism; newfangled expression, nonce expression; back-formation; caconym; barbarism.    archaism, black letter, monkish Latin.    corruption, missaying, malapropism, antiphrasis.    ... show more

Roget 697: precept, direction, instruction, charge; prescript, prescription; recipe, receipt; golden rule; maxim etc. 496.    rule, canon, ... show more

Roget 79: speciality, specialite; individuality, individuity; particularity, peculiarity; idiocrasy etc. (tendency) 176; personality, characteristic, mannerism, idiosyncrasy; ... show more

Roget 698: skill, skillfulness, address; dexterity, dexterousness; adroitness, expertness etc. adj.; proficiency, competence, technical competence, craft, callidity, ... show more

Dutch: technisch karakter, aalmoes, snipperwerk
Polish: pierdółka, bzdet, bagatela, bzdura, detal, fraszka, betka, głupstwo, drobiazg, błahostka ... show more

2 technicality

A specific detail in a set of rules or terms belonging to a particular field.

Moby thesaurus: a little thing, area, bag, complexity, complexness, complication, convolution, crabbedness, cup of tea, entanglement, field, forte, hardly anything, inessential, insignificancy, intricacy, intricateness, involution, involvement, jargon word ... show more.

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