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1 speciality

An asset of special worth or utility.

synonyms: forte, long suit, metier, specialty, strength, strong point, strong suit.

2 speciality

A distinguishing trait.

synonyms: distinctiveness, peculiarity, specialness, specialty.

Roget 79: speciality, specialite; individuality, individuity; particularity, peculiarity; idiocrasy etc. (tendency) 176; personality, characteristic, mannerism, idiosyncrasy; ... show more

Polish: osobliwość, fenomen, dziw

3 speciality

The special line of work you have adopted as your career.

synonyms: specialisation, specialism, specialization, specialty.

Dutch: specialisatie, specialisme, specialiteit

Moby thesaurus: ability, accomplishment, adeptness, aptitude, area, art, baby, bag, bump, caliber, capability, capacity, concentration, craft, cup of tea, definiteness, dower, dowry, endowment, equipment ... show more.

Find more on speciality elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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