English synonyms about - contact  

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1 restrained

Cool and formal in manner.

synonyms: reticent, unemotional.

Roget 751: restrained, constrained; imprisoned etc. v.; pent up; jammed in, wedged in; under lock and key, under restraint, under hatches; in swaddling clothes; on parole; in custody, ... show more

2 restrained

Under restraint.

3 restrained

Marked by avoidance of extravagance or extremes:
— Restrained in his response.

synonym: moderate.

4 restrained

Not showy or obtrusive.

synonym: quiet.

5 restrained


synonym: guarded.

Moby thesaurus: Attic, Ciceronian, Olympian, aesthetic, aloof, arrested, artistic, aseptic, backward, barred, bashful, beleaguered, beset, besieged, blank, blockaded, bound, bridled, cabined, caged ... show more.

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