English synonyms about - contact  

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1 representative

A person who represents others.

Roget 758: consignee, trustee, nominee, committee.    agent, delegate; commissary, commissioner; emissary, envoy, commissionaire [Fr.]; messenger etc. 534.    ... show more

Roget 759: deputy, substitute, vice, proxy, locum tenens, badli, delegate, representative, next friend, surrogate, secondary.    regent, viceregent, vizier, ... show more

Roget 690: doer, actor, agent, performer, perpetrator, operator; executor, executrix; practitioner, worker, stager.    bee, ant, working bee, ... show more

Roget 147: substitution, commutation; supplanting etc. v.; metaphor, metonymy etc. (figure of speech) 521.    [Thing substituted] substitute, ersatz, makeshift, ... show more

Dutch: representant, vertegenwoordiger
Polish: przedstawiciel, reprezentant

2 representative

An advocate who represents someone else's policy or purpose.

synonyms: interpreter, spokesperson, voice.

Dutch: interpreet, voorlichter, woordvoerder

3 representative

A member of the United States House of Representatives.

synonyms: congressman, congresswoman.

Dutch: Congreslid, congreslid

4 representative

An item of information that is typical of a class or group.

synonyms: example, illustration, instance.

Dutch: voorbeeld


1 representative

Serving to represent or typify.

Roget 554: represent, representing etc. v., representative; illustrative [Slang]; represented etc. v.; imitative, figurative; iconic.    like ... show more

Roget 550: indicating etc. v., indicative, indicatory; denotative, connotative; diacritical, representative, typical, symbolic, pantomimic, pathognomonic, symptomatic, ... show more

Polish: reprezentatywny, reprezentacyjny

2 representative

Standing for something else.

3 representative

Being or characteristic of government by representation in which citizens exercise power through elected officers and representatives.

Moby thesaurus: MP, Member of Congress, Member of Parliament, acting, advocate, agent, alderman, alter ego, alternate, alternative, ambassador, amicus curiae, analogy, antetype, antitype, apish, archetypal, archetype, assemblyman, attorney ... show more.

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