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1 liberty

Immunity from arbitrary exercise of authority: political independence.

synonym: autonomy.

Roget 748: freedom, liberty, independence; license etc. (permission) 760; facility etc. 705.    scope, range, latitude, ... show more

Roget 760: permission, leave; allowance, sufferance; tolerance, toleration; liberty, law, license, concession, grace; indulgence etc. (lenity) ... show more

Roget 924: due, dueness; right, privilege, prerogative, prescription, title, claim, pretension, demand, birthright.    immunity, license, liberty, ... show more

Roget 927a: exemption, freedom, irresponsibility, immunity, liberty, license, release, exoneration, excuse, dispensation, absolution, franchise, renunciation, discharge; ... show more

Dutch: zelfbeschikkingsrecht
Polish: samorzÄ…d

2 liberty

Freedom of choice.

3 liberty

Personal freedom from servitude or confinement or oppression.

4 liberty

Leave granted to a sailor or naval officer.

synonym: shore leave.

5 liberty

An act of undue intimacy.

synonyms: familiarity, impropriety, indecorum.

Dutch: vrijheid

Moby thesaurus: Lehrfreiheit, OK, a leg up, academic freedom, admission, allowance, assumption, at liberty, authorization, autonomy, blank check, brevet, carte blanche, chance, charter, clear stage, concession, consent, constitutional freedom, copyright ... show more.

Find more on liberty elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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