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1 legal

Established by or founded upon law or official or accepted rules.

Roget 924: having a right to etc. v.; entitled to; claiming; deserving, meriting, worthy of.    privileged, allowed, sanctioned, warranted, authorized; ordained, ... show more

Roget 760: permitting etc. v.; permissive, indulgent; permitted etc. v.; patent, chartered, permissible, allowable, lawful, ... show more

Roget 963: legal, legitimate; according to law; vested, constitutional, chartered, legalized; lawful etc. (permitted) 760; statutable, statutory; legislatorial, ... show more

Polish: legalny

2 legal

Of or relating to jurisprudence.

Polish: prawniczy, jurystyczny, prawny

3 legal

Having legal efficacy or force.

synonyms: effectual, sound.

4 legal

Relating to or characteristic of the profession of law.

Polish: prawniczy

5 legal

Allowed by official rules.

Moby thesaurus: acceptable, actionable, admissible, allowable, applicable, authoritative, authorized, balanced, binding, booked, cogent, competent, consistent, constitutional, defensible, deserved, documented, down, due, enrolled ... show more.

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