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depend on


1 depend on

Be contingent on.

synonyms: depend upon, devolve on, hinge on, hinge upon, ride, turn on.

Roget 469: qualify, limit, modify, leaven, give a color to, introduce new conditions, narrow, temper.    waffle, quibble, hem and haw (be uncertain) 475; equivocate ... show more

2 depend on

Put trust in with confidence.

synonyms: depend upon, rely on, rely upon.

3 depend on

Be dependent on, as for support or maintenance:
— Elderly parents often depend on their adult children.

synonym: rely on.

Moby thesaurus: accrue from, arise from, bank on, be based on, be contingent on, be dependent on, be due to, be predicated on, bet on, bud from, calculate on, come from, come out of, confide in, count on, deem trustworthy, depend, derive from, descend from, emanate from ... show more.

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