English synonyms about - contact  



1 dais

A platform raised above the surrounding level to give prominence to the person on it.

synonyms: ambo, podium, pulpit, rostrum, soapbox, stump.

Roget 747: scepter, regalia, caduceus; Mercury's rod, Mercury's staff, Mercury's wand; rod of empire, mace, fasces, wand; staff, staff of office; baton, truncheon; ... show more

Roget 215: support, ground, foundation, base, basis; terra firma; bearing, fulcrum, bait [U.S.], caudex crib; point d'appui [Fr.], pou sto [Gr.], purchase footing, hold, ... show more

Dutch: estrade, erepodium, ereschavot, kansel, platform, preekstoel, schavot, spreekgestoelte

Moby thesaurus: balcony, bench, catafalque, chair, curule chair, emplacement, estrade, floor, gallery, heliport, helm, hustings, landing, landing pad, landing stage, launching pad, platform, podium, pulpit, rostrum ... show more.

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