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1 sniffle

The act of breathing heavily through the nose (as when the nose is congested).

synonyms: snivel, snuffle.


1 sniffle

Cry or whine with snuffling.

synonyms: blub, blubber, snivel, snuffle.

Dutch: grienen, sniffen, snotteren

2 sniffle

Inhale audibly through the nose.

synonym: sniff.

Roget 349: blow, waft; blow hard, blow great guns, blow a hurricane etc. n.; wuther; stream, issue.    respire, breathe, puff; ... show more

Moby thesaurus: Aqua-Lung, artificial respiration, aspirate, aspiration, assibilate, assibilation, asthmatic wheeze, blow, breath, breath of air, breathe, breathe hard, breathe in, breathe out, breathing, broken wind, buzz, cough, draw in, effervesce ... show more.

Find more on sniffle elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.


Moby thesaurus: Asiatic flu, Hong Kong flu, acute bronchitis, adenoiditis, aluminosis, amygdalitis, anthracosilicosis, anthracosis, asbestosis, asthma, atypical pneumonia, bituminosis, black lung, bronchial pneumonia, bronchiectasis, bronchiolitis, bronchitis, bronchopneumonia, catarrh, chalicosis ... show more.

Find more on sniffles elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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