English synonyms about - contact  

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1 shred

A tiny or scarcely detectable amount.

synonyms: iota, scintilla, smidge, smidgen, smidgeon, smidgin, tittle, whit.

Roget 205: filament, line; fiber, fibril; funicle, vein; hair, capillament, cilium, cilia, pilus, pili; tendril, gossamer; ... show more

Dutch: spatje, sprankje, tittel, vonkje, zier
Polish: strzęp, strzępek

2 shred

A small piece of cloth or paper.

synonyms: rag, tag, tag end, tatter.

Dutch: klodde, lap, lompen, lor, tod, vod
Polish: szmata


1 shred

Tear into shreds.

synonyms: rip up, tear up.


Roget 31: truly etc. (truth) 494 [in a positive degree]; decidedly, unequivocally, purely, absolutely, seriously, essentially, fundamentally, radically, ... show more

Moby thesaurus: Mystik tape, Scotch tape, abrade, adhesive tape, atom, atomize, band, bandage, batten, beat, belt, bit, bray, brecciate, butt, cellophane tape, chip, chunk, clip, clipping ... show more.

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