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1 sewn

Fastened with stitches.

synonyms: sewed, stitched.

Find more on sewn elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.



1 sew

Fasten by sewing; do needlework.

synonyms: run up, sew together, stitch.

Roget 43: join, unite; conjoin, connect; associate; put together, lay together, clap together, hang together, lump together, hold together, piece together [Fr.], tack together, fix together, ... show more

Dutch: naaien

2 sew

Create (clothes) with cloth:
— Can the seamstress sew me a suit by next week?.

synonyms: tailor, tailor-make.

Dutch: aannaaien

Moby thesaurus: articulate, batten, batten down, bleed, bolt, buckle, butt, button, clasp, cleat, clip, dovetail, hasp, hinge, hitch, hook, jam, joint, latch, lock ... show more.

Find more on sew elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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