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1 satirist

A humorist who uses ridicule and irony and sarcasm.

synonyms: ironist, ridiculer.

Roget 936: detractor, reprover; censor, censurer; cynic, critic, caviler, carper, word-catcher, frondeur; barracker.    defamer, backbiter, slanderer, ... show more

Dutch: hekeldichter, satiricus

Moby thesaurus: Meistersinger, Parnassian, arch-poet, ballad maker, balladmonger, banana, bard, beat poet, bucoliast, burlesquer, caricaturist, clown, comedian, comic, cutup, elegist, epic poet, epigrammatist, fili, funnyman ... show more.

Find more on satirist elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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