English synonyms about - contact  



1 riches

An abundance of material possessions and resources.

synonym: wealth.

Roget 803: wealth, riches, fortune, handsome fortune, opulence, affluence; good circumstances, easy circumstances; independence; competence etc. (sufficiency) 639; solvency.    ... show more

Dutch: vermogen, rijkdom
Polish: zasobność, majętność, bogactwo, dobrobyt, zamożność, dostatek

Moby thesaurus: abundance, affluence, assets, bottomless purse, bulging purse, easy circumstances, embarras de richesses, fortune, gold, handsome fortune, high income, high tax bracket, independence, lucre, luxuriousness, mammon, material wealth, means, money, money to burn ... show more.

Find more on riches elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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