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1 quill

Pen made from a bird's feather.

synonym: quill pen.

Roget 590: writing etc. v.; chirography, stelography, cerography; penmanship, craftmanship; quill driving; typewriting.    writing, manuscript, MS.   , literae scriptae [Lat.]; ... show more

2 quill

A stiff hollow protective spine on a porcupine or hedgehog.

3 quill

Any of the larger wing or tail feathers of a bird.

synonyms: flight feather, pinion, quill feather.

Dutch: slagpen, slagveer, staartveer, stuurpen
Polish: lotka

4 quill

The hollow spine of a feather.

synonyms: calamus, shaft.

Dutch: penneschacht
Polish: dudka

Moby thesaurus: barb, barbule, barrel, bramble, brier, bristle, burr, cactus, catchweed, cilium, cleavers, crest, feather, filament, filamentule, goose grass, hackle, needle, nettle, panache ... show more.

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